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The energy of 2017 is feeling so different for me than the same time last year.
I’m not sure though, if it’s ‘2017’ that’s causing that.

I ran into a neighbour this morning when walking the dog, and she was complaining about the weather, and sharing how her children and her husband weren’t doing so well… Ending her lamentation with a heartfelt ‘I don’t think 2017 is going to be my year’.
Wow. It’s only week 2…

I didn’t feel 2016 was ‘my year’.
But why not?
Because I had some goals I didn’t achieve. Because especially in the first half of the year, I felt I was plodding and ploughing and not moving forward. At other times I felt as if I was groping around in the dark.

Nevertheless, I kept going, I kept trying, I asked for help, I turned inward, I meditated, I journalled, I joined programs and a mastermind, I tried things out – some successfully, some less so.
I complained, for sure, at times.
It wasn’t until towards the end of the year, that I felt things were moving, shifting.

So was 2016 ‘not my year’?
It depends on how I look.
It was my first full year as a full-time entrepreneur. I joined a mastermind and several networks, and because I talk to entrepreneurs more now, I understand much better that there is an inevitable journey, there are some inevitable pitfalls, it takes time, it takes trial and error. This is how we grow, how we evolve.
In many ways, it was ‘my year’. I learnt so much. I experienced so much. I had so many insights. I did so much groundwork.

The shift, the changed energy… I wouldn’t be able to feel it if ‘2016’ hadn’t happened the way it had.
And being able to see that, and integrate the lessons, takes self-reflection and inner work. The exact same things that I teach my clients and students, I practice myself. There is no other way.

Everything we experience in our lives is feedback on what we’re thinking, feeling and doing. We’re not helpless victims of our lives – even if it feels that way sometimes. Sure, there are things we cannot influence, or not much anyway. But how we think, feel and act – absolutely! Right there is our sphere of influence and source of deep learning and growth. And the learning never stops.

If you’re a professional who works with people and want to have a stronger connection to that inner source of wisdom, let’s chat.
I’m offering (life) coaching and supervision that supports your growth, self-confidence and self-compassion, so that you can show up as your brightest, most joyful Self and get the best results with the people you work with.

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