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I remember very clearly that when I was a teenager, I was simply waiting for life to start. I had this vague idea that once I was a grown-up, things would all fall into place – the husband and children would appear, I would get the house, the garden and – well, live my mother’s life, basically.

It wasn’t until I first started seeing a coach, when I was well in my twenties, that I realized I still had this waiting attitude lurking in the background. I wasn’t really choosing my life, I let it happen to me.
Of course I made some choices – it’s hard to get through a day and not make any, right? But I had no bigger vision. I had no sense of direction, no connection to my dreams. And I got into trouble. I was drifting, and not liking it. A crisis ensued, with radical consequences – divorce, removal, career change (more than once).

I know I am not the only one who experienced this. And it’s often women who are playing the waiting game. Why? Well, because they weren’t taught to pursue their dreams, their deepest desires. They weren’t told these dreams matter. They don’t realize that they can actually choose, that they’re in charge of their life, and that they should take care of themselves before anyone else.

Because that, my dear, taking care of yourself and your precious dreams, is your responsibility. That is the reason why you are here.

Instead, they are taking care of others, other people’s dreams and desires. Reacting to the needs of their children, their partner, their boss, their family… and everything that simply needs to be taken care of.
By them, of course – who else?
For some, this has become so much their default setting, that they have no clue what they really want anymore.
There doesn’t seem to be a dream, a desire, a big ‘why’.

And make no mistake, the ‘why’ of your life is not necessarily to be found in what you are doing. It is much more about who you are being. What values are you living by? What are you expressing in your life? How are you feeling in your life? How are you affecting others, and your environment? And is that how you want it? Is that fulfilling you? Is that bringing you joy?

If joy is absent from your life, your soul is parched. You need to water your soul, feed your soul. So that it can flourish and lead you to your dreams and callings.

Is this going on in your life? Don’t let that fester precious, your life is too dear.
Let’s hop on skype and see if there’s anything I can do to support you.
My 30-minute clarity calls are free. (scroll to end of page)

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