You are probably more senior than you realize
Many of my clients suffer in their job, at their workplace. Because of the pace, because of the lack of humanity and care, because (this is a very common one) others manage their schedules and calendars. Numbers and targets trump quality and human connection. I have a...
Are you done pleasing? Start leading – your way
It’s been quiet on the blogging front lately. I’ve been going through a lot – which tends to make me quiet (although, if you follow me on social media, you have heard from me). All good, by the way. Growth, development, transformation. In short, the stuff I help my...
Are you stuck (sometimes)?
Do you feel stuck sometimes? Or maybe even now? Stuck as in: not quite knowing where things are or should be going in your life. Not quite knowing what to do right now. Feeling you are not where you want to be, but not knowing how to move out of this, and what you...
Your wisdom is needed more than ever
I’ve been a bit quiet lately. Not that I didn’t have anything to do or say. Probably too much even. When not long after my wise women retreat the #metoo deluge covered the planet, something stirred inside me, with great force. I had just been working on personal...