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I’m still buzzing from my three days in Brussels at the No Limits event for heart-centred entrepreneurs, last weekend. So much positive energy, so much learning and growing, so many soul-level meetings with beautiful women.

And the most exciting thing is: I’ve been invited to lead meditations at the Feel free to be you event in London in May! (If you’re an entrepreneur struggling with authenticity and visibility: check it out). I couldn’t be happier: do what I love most, in a city close to my heart, catching up with old and meeting new friends.

Only a year ago I almost whispered to my business coach: ‘I want to be an international spiritual teacher, I know that in my heart of hearts, but who the bleep do I think I am aspiring to that, let alone calling myself that!?! (I actually shot a video about that at the time – you can watch it here).
And now see what’s happening.
Why? How?
Not by pure luck, mere coincidence or because the stars were favourable.

Before and during the time when I worked with my coach, I dived deep into my soul to unearth my soul purpose.
But knowing my purpose means nothing if I don’t take action. And I took lots of actions.

Many times, I didn’t see immediate results and I felt like giving up. My inner critic would immediately step in to chop my head off: ‘You see, you fraud, you conceited little brat! Just be content with having a Dutch coaching practice and stop that nonsense about international. And spiritual. And teacher.’

I did not let that stop me though (although I wanted to, and I wavered and cowered – a lot). I know how to deal with the inner critic and I know how to check back in with my soul. I know that I will (not always directly, but surely) see in my life what I believe to be true about it.

It is SO important to be aware of your thoughts. Your thoughts uncover your beliefs. And your beliefs are what you will be manifesting in your life.

I have been a meditation student for over 10 years, a teacher for almost 8. And it wasn’t always so, but now more than ever I realize how vitally important my practice has been to loosening the grip of the ego mind and becoming more and more aware of soul guidance, and trusting that.

I’m doing a series of livestreams on Facebook this week and next week, that address some misunderstandings and frequently asked questions about meditation.

You may want to check them out, the first two are on YouTube and I’ll share them below.

I’m creating a 4-week online course especially for you if you KNOW that meditation would help you so much, but you just can’t seem to get into it.
I know and understand your struggle, and I’m going to help you.
You can watch my videos first, or go straight to the info page.

I WANT to meditate, so why don’t I?

Why walking, running, gardening are not meditation

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