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Are you in the closet? Possibly.
I myself, although I have already come out at least ten, or fifty or a hundred times, still partly am, you see.
Which closet?

The spiritual, I call it (for lack of a better word)

On Sunday, the day on which I always do a reading for the coming week (this, for example, is something I do not broadcast, that I do readings), I pulled the card ‘Coming out of the closet’ for my company. . I knew exactly what that meant.

A few days earlier I asked a customer for feedback. Why did she want to work out her question with me, and not with another coach?

These were her words:
“At first I thought it strange that you only coached women, but little by little I discovered that you are not just a regular coach, since I have become aware of the energetic world, I have read more about spirituality, especially about witches and Now I understand why it is important to work with women, and now that memories of previous lives have emerged, I also understand why it is important for me to work with someone who understands and can accompany me, because you you have gone that way yourself Someone who says so well you are a healer and that’s how you are a witch is easy to find, but then you have to follow their route and I do not want that .. You’re not going to tell me what to do do, but helps me to find out what I can do and what is already there and how I can continue with it myself.”

And so it is. I’m not a regular coach. Maybe I’m not even a coach. Another client recently said, “I loved it so much that I did not notice being coached.”

I believe I am more of a midwife. An awakener, a soul sister recently called me. I awaken the light of your soul further. I see that larger version of you, the totally animated version. I create the space in which that version can unfold further, ‘speak’ with you, reveal its messages, intentions and desires.

You no longer have to grow intellectually. The books, the courses and seminars – we know all that.
It’s not knowledge you need.
It is energetic growth that is now in order. Your beliefs, your emotions – they are the obstacles that now need to be released energetically. The work that we do together is not about tricks and practical solutions.
You want to know the way in a non-material world that has so much in store for you, but is still so enigmatic.

You don’t have to call yourself a witch, for all I care – even though I love it when you do. Why? Because I believe the witch deserves rehabilitation.
Witch, to me is a badge of honour.
She is magical. She understands the laws of nature, she uses her 6th sense, she sees (or feels, or knows) more than the purely material, she connects with other dimensions, she understands and trusts her intuition – more than the laws and dogmas and conditionings of the culture in which she was raised.

For many ‘witches’ – wise women – this is still a dream, not a reality. She still feels trapped in the straitjacket of her upbringing and education and the choices she made according to what was expected of her.

But she’s feeling more and more suffocated; desire pounding at the gates of her heart. The desire to do things differently, to do whatever the hell she wants, to live her deepest desires (which she sometimes can hardly express).

Bring it on! I help you throw off the chains and throw the gates wide open. I know this is scary as hell, and comes with fears, uncertainties, doubts and a gazillion objections.
That’s what sisters are for.

In the third week of October (20 – 27, the autumn holidays) I have room for a few wise women to do exactly this. In a magical place in southern France. Letting souls speak, explore what your ‘otherness’ means, what choices you did not dare to make so far but that it’s really time to make now, find out what kind of support you need, how you can find wisdom, trust and courage to be your most animated version.

For example, the Wise Women Retreat of 2017 produced a visual artist (which of course she was already, but she was still in the closet). And a modern witch proudly claimed her title and embraced her mission in this life with verve.

Come to the Aveyron, and liberate the wise woman, let her out of the closet!
Find more information here (Dutch), or here (English).
You can also send me a message, and we’ll chat.

So welcome! X

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