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You are a teacher, coach, trainer, healer, social worker … because you care.
Because you genuinely want to make a difference.
Because this is your talent: to listen deeply, to counsel, to guide, to clarify, to intuit, to heal.

And you have the most important job in the world.


Our planet is crying, our people are hurting. And from their hurt, they are hurting others.
There is so much trauma.
You are desperately needed. Whether you heal on a physical, psychological, or spiritual level. Whether you teach languages, communication skills or law… You want people to advance, to grow, to develop, to wake up.

But the one thing we all need to wake up to most, is that we can only really grow if we expand our consciousness.
If we wake up to the truth of our spirit, our soul.
We are not just our ego – but so many people have forgotten.

This is the real trauma. We are ruled by our ego – and many don’t know it, because this has (over eons) become our normal. We were raised by a culture ruled by ego – by the mind, the material, the physical.
By fear.
The spiritual has been given a back seat – if any seat at all.

Healing, growing and changing ask for us to remember our soul, and give it a front seat.

But here’s the thing.
You and I were traumatized too. We were taught untruths – with the best of intentions. So you may still have residual beliefs about yourself that are blocking you and keeping you stuck. You can still get frightened and doubtful at times.
Your soul may not always speak loudly enough either.
Finding your way back to who you really are is a process that asks a lot of awareness and commitment – even, probably especially when you are in the business of guiding others.

So you cannot do this alone. I have found this on my journey.
There’s always more to heal, even though you have probably already done a lot of it.
We need to keep remembering. And committing to awareness and growth.

I am committed to supporting awakening wise women on this path.

As you may know, I have created an online space for all of you to meet and inspire each other. You can join us here.

If you’ve not done so yet, I also encourage you to download my free ebook, Cheat Sheet for Coaches.

And I’m in the process of creating many, many more resources for you on your journey.

So stick around and stay tuned.
And of course, let me know what you love and what you need.
Love to hear from you!

p.s. If you’re already considering deepening your journey through working 1-on-1 with me, I’m happy to chat. Find more information here.

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