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Feel vulnerable? Good.

Feel vulnerable? Good.

At a party the other day I was sitting next to a woman I didn’t know very well. She was very chatty, which I’m not – so quite convenient really ‘cause all I had to do was listen and I’m quite good at that – usually. But I found myself utterly disinterested in anything...
How not to deal with overwhelm

How not to deal with overwhelm

Do you know those days when your to do list is too long for the hours you have? When everything on that list is im-port-ant and needs to be done right now? Or when you’re faced with a situation that seems hopeless but absolutely needs to be resolved, or else?...
Is your life happening to you?

Is your life happening to you?

I remember very clearly that when I was a teenager, I was simply waiting for life to start. I had this vague idea that once I was a grown-up, things would all fall into place – the husband and children would appear, I would get the house, the garden and – well, live...

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